Thursday, August 23, 2012

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Every year, my family takes a vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC.  Usually around the first week of August.  I had always wanted to take pictures of a pier and I knew that where we were staying, two piers were somewhat close.  So one morning, my wife and I woke up pretty early (around 6am) and got ready to go shoot at the pier.  The sun was just peaking over the horizon and I knew I did not have much time left.  We walked down to where the pier structure is and started shooting.  There were many things going on with the environment.  The movement of the water, the sun peaking over the horizon, cloud detail, wood detail of the pier, and also lines created by the structure.  I was in heaven and had many ideas and thoughts going through my head.  The below are my compositions of what I envisioned and hope you enjoy them.

Pretty sure this was the first set of shot I completed of this excursion.  Usually, in my experience, my first shots are generally the best.  

We took a walk on the pier after the taking this pictures.  They guys tending the pier indicated that later on that night, they were having a fireworks display at 9:30.  I told my wife that we should watch them from near our hotel and maybe catch some nice images of the display.

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