Thursday, March 15, 2012

Since astronomy is a hot topic this week with the planets Jupiter and Venus becoming three degrees apart.  I desided to go out and shoot some star trails.  Though I did not shoot Jupiter and Venus, this is an example of having the camera pointed towards Polaris (north star).  Hope you enjoy.  As always comment if you like the images.

This shot was just before some clouds moved in.  The later shots block the star trails as the clouds were thicker.  

Clouds were blocking most of the trails for this image.  Still pointing towards Polaris.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I think we will have cloudy nights coming up, but I might head out to do some long exposure shots of the stars. I'll let you know how it works out. Hope the snakes stay in their holes for the evening.


If you enjoy these photos, please comment! Enjoy.